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Communication as a Human Right


We are a group of people with learning disabilities and autism who are self-advocates. We are supported by Bury People First and Total Communication Services CIC.


We have developed a communication rights charter. We want people to sign up to our charter so we can tell MP's about our rights. We see communication as a human right. Some people with learning disabilities and autism don't use spoken words to communicate.


This doesn't mean they have nothing to say. 


                    What we want to achieve

  • Equal value for communication

  • We want people to understand we have the RIGHT to communicate.

  • We want emergency services to be trained so they can communicate effectively in matters of life and death

  • We want people to have access to communication aids which include technology.

  • We want support staff working with people with communication needs to be trained in communication.

  • We want people with learning disabilities to co-produce and deliver this training.

  • After this training, we want people with learning disabilities and communication needs to check the quality of communication support.

  • We want MPs to talk about our ideas as part of the Bill of Rights

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